
Failed to load conformance statement, error was: ca.uhn.fhir.rest.client.exceptions.FhirClientConnectionException: HAPI-1361: Failed to parse response from server when performing GET to URL https://fhir.dicom.tw/fhir/metadata - org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to fhir.dicom.tw:443 [fhir.dicom.tw/] failed: Connection refused

This server provides a complete implementation of the FHIR Specification using a 100% open source software stack.

This server is built from a number of modules of the HAPI FHIR project, which is a 100% open-source (Apache 2.0 Licensed) Java based implementation of the FHIR specification.

FHIR Base https://fhir.dicom.tw/fhir

Server Actions

Retrieve the server's conformance statement.

Retrieve the update history across all resource types on the server.
Limit #

Post a bundle containing multiple resources to the server and store all resources within a single atomic transaction.
Bundle *